Sunday, January 30, 2022

Shot List

 Shot List

  1. Establishing shot of house in neighborhood of suburbs

Long shot of the house. In the background, there is an alarm sound ringing while the title sequence plays

  1. Close up or extreme close up of a girl waking up. 

Eyes shown. It is visible that she looks like she just woke up, messy hair, tired eyes.

  1. Medium shot of girl getting ready

Girl gets ready quickly

  1. Medium or full shot of girl racing down the stairs/down the hallway

Girl is moving quickly across the shot or the shot can follow her

  1. Medium or full shot of the back of girl (from door)

Walking out towards the car, so getting farther away from the camera

  1. Medium shot of all the girls sitting in the car

Taken inside the car, shows all the girls faces

  1. Shot taken from outside the car?

Shows/adds differentiation between shots

  1. Different shots montage

Shows the surrounding area on the way to school, brief

  1. Establishing shot of girls inside car at school

Shows the new location and the characters

  1. Full body shot

Girls exiting car in slow motion

  1. Montage of girls driving to mall

Shows surrounding area

  1. Full body shot

Slow motion of girls walking in a line

  1. Montage

Girls going through different clothes in store

  1. Shot close up of what's in girls hands 

While they walk

  1. Mid shot, guy walks by

Hot looking

  1. Extreme close up of main girl

Eyes shown that she is shocked by how good looking he is

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