Saturday, February 5, 2022

Holding Auditions

 With a character name like “hot guy”, whoever plays the character will have a lot to live up to. Looks weren’t necessarily the most important part. It was necessary that whoever played this role should have charisma and confidence. 

Barbara, Gianna, Mia, and I all understood how important it was to cast this role correctly. Especially because it was the only role that would not be played by one of us. This is why we decided to hold auditions. We limited the casting pool to guys in our school that we were acquainted with. We wrote down a list of guys we think would fit the part. That was definitely the hardest part. We pulled them out of class one by one (with permission from their teachers of course) and brought them to the school’s main lobby for the audition. The audition was fairly simple, they just had to look at the camera and smile. This surprisingly was difficult for some which definitely resulted in a few giggles.

At the end of the day we decided to give the role to junior Max Penn. There are many reasons for this decision. First of all, he has theatre experience and has played my love interest in a past school production. This way we knew we were already comfortable working together. Also, he seemed very excited to be auditioning and possibly get the role. Finally, we knew we could count on him to show up when we needed to film which is of course very important.

With the casting complete, I am very excited to see how this chick-flick turns out.

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