Wednesday, February 9, 2022


I never thought having a sister that makes music would come in handy, but it did today. For this film we were stuck on the notion that we had to use royalty-free music. We felt that this limited what we had to use and would impact the film negatively. Music is very important to film and this factor was not something that we were taking lightly. We knew that it could make or break the chick flick. 

Then, I had an epiphany. As a hobby outside of school, my sister Brooke Sause makes music. It isn't your average teenage garage band music. She flies out to New York and works with a renowned producer. She has a song in her repertoire that gives off the perfect early 2000s vibes that we are trying to achieve. Her song Dream Boy is upbeat, centers around romance, and would bring the film to a whole other level. While she is my sister, nothing is guaranteed so of course I asked her manager... which is my other sister. Once we were given permission I knew we had found the perfect soundtrack. 

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