Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Change of Plans

 This film gave us a reality check to how things do not always go as planned. While this can be stressful, it is realistic to how real films are made. But like what good directors do, we all adjusted. Everything in our film still turned out wonderful and I am very grateful that I worked with such a quick thinking group of people. The problems we faced dealt with time constraints, actors, costumes, our schedule, and hair. Even with these changes, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

The biggest issue we faced was the change of actors. We held audit6ions a few weeks ago and decided on my friend Max Penn to play the role of "Hot Guy." Out of all of the actors that auditioned we found that he was best for the role. I was friends with him so we already had a connection and he has experience in theater. We had hopes that he would be prepared and ready to take on this role. However, something happened last minute. He texted our group chat we used to talk about the film and bared the bad news. He was sick and unable to plan on the day we filmed. We pondered changing the date we planned to film on, but we were already borrowing a camera from our teacher for that day. We decided to look back at the auditions we held and looked to find the next best choice. That is when we landed on Matthew Gordon. He had a great audition too. We are also all friends or at least familiar with him. While he has no acting experience, we believed that he could take on the role. While this was a big change, he ended up doing great. We are all very pleased with his performance. Thank you Matthew for stepping up and I hope Max feels better!

Another thing that changed is we had to cut a scene from the film. We had planned a scene in the beginning of the film with my character and their parent. We had Britney (me) running out of the house while her parent is trying to get her to eat breakfast. We added this scene because we noticed something funny as a common theme in chick-flicks. Characters will always have a full-breakfast ready for them at the table and they will leave it untouched without eating it. We decided to play off of this and do a scene similar. I filmed a scene with Mia's dad and I thought it went great. However, we ended up having to cut it for time because we only have 2 minutes for the film. Another scene we had to cut was us trying on clothes at the mall. This we did not film because by that point in production, we figured that there was no time for it based on how things were going. 

Another thing that did not go as planned was hair and makeup. I planned to straighten my hair for the filming date. I ended up being at my fathers house where I do not own a straightener. I had to work with my curly hair. Another thing that did not go as planned was the use of rhinestones. They ended up being difficult to put on and didn't look the way we planned. We decided we were better off without. 

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