Sunday, March 6, 2022

Choosing the production company name

 To make deciding the production name fair, we all decided to make a google survey. We all had the task to send it to friends & family. Because this could create bias, I didn’t tell them which one was mine. We had the form up for voting for about an hour. Then, we closed it and were able to determine who the winner was amongst the people.

Picking production company names that people can easily remember and associate with your films is a must. That is why I was anxious to see who the winner was. Other than mine, my favorite name created by my friends was Mia’s “Flight Existence.” Her name was associated with the fact that when you watch a movie you are taken out of reality and into another world. This is something the audience will relate to and it is also a catchy name. It was important that the name made sense and also seemed professional.

Mia's sentimental production name ended up winning. Although, Gianna and Barbara both believe her dad, Tito, fudged the numbers in order for this name to win. I do not and think it deserved the win. Congratulations Mia and the new name 'Flight Existence'. The poll numbers were 30.3% for Flight Existence, 27.3% for both RisingShine Films and Promiscuous Pictures. Last place was 15.2% for B25. 

Now that we have our final production name, it will be featured in the opening of our AICE Media Studies film project that we will begin filming this Saturday. We are ecstatic to begin the filming process and plan on borrowing a camera for this production. We are narrowing down a checklist to ensure our filming day is as smooth as possible, and successful.

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