Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Production Company Name

 Every production needs a production name. Our group individually came up with our own idea of a company name and hope to finalize the one next time we meet. We hope to all agree on one, and if it doesn't work out then maybe we will combine our top two choices.

Film is something that is very special to me and brings me comfort in dark times. Some of my favorite movies are Lady Bird,  Eighth Grade, The Farewell, The Florida Project, 20th Century Women, and Room. The one thing that all of the movies have in common is that they are all made by the company A24. I decided that whatever name i decided on should be paying an homage to it. 

I tried to put together film names that made sense as a production name. Some ideas I had were:

-Ladybird Productions

-Room full of women

-Farewell Films

-Eighth Grade Project

I then realized that the answer was right under my nose: B25 Films. It has the same cool ring to it that A24 has and means something to me. We will be voting on the Production Company name next class. I hope I win! 

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https://youtu.be/uVJxjZ92-UU https://youtu.be/uVJxjZ92-UU