Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Filming Checklist

 We all didn’t have professional cameras and we thought that was the best option to film. We asked our teacher if we can borrow her professional camera to film Saturday and she said yes and that we were the first to ask. We need to bring everything that there is a possibility we will need. To keep organized we created a checklist since we are filming this Saturday. It is better to have more than what we need than to be missing something. We went and looked back at all of our blog posts to ensure we had everything we talked about. 

-Mia: Metallica shirt, blue hair streak 

-Gianna: Rhinestones, planned outfit 

-Kelly: pink skirt, white top, pink purse, pink heels. straighten hair

-Barbara: (extra black skirt for mia), my white tank, cardigan, daisy skirt, heels

-Extra makeup for touch ups (concealer, blush, lipgloss)

-Camera pick up friday


-Mia’s Room


-Maybe money for lunch ($20) 

-phone charger 

-printed copies of the script

-lines memorized

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https://youtu.be/uVJxjZ92-UU https://youtu.be/uVJxjZ92-UU